
Salesforce Fact #841 | Apply to Child Territories in territory assignment rule

There is an option 'Apply to Child Territories' while setting up a territory assignment rule. Let's see how it works. Suppose we have two territories 'Test Territory2' and 'Test Territory4', Test Territory4 is the child of Test Territory2. We have setup two rules for each of the territory as below: 1) for territory2, Account Industry equals 'Agriculture', Apply to Child Territories option checked. 2) for Territory4, Account Type equals 'Prospect', Apply to child territories option unchecked. Now, if an account only meets the first criteria, it is assigned to territory2. If an account only meets the second criteria, it is assigned to no territory. If an account meets both the criteria, it is assigned to territory4. So, if the Apply to Child Territories checkbox is checked, the rule condition of the child territory is checked in conjunction with the rule condition of the parent territory. Attached are the screenshots.

Salesforce Fact #840 | Platform Event publish limit

Platform events configured with 'Publish Immediately' behavior are counted against a separate publishing limit of 150 EventBus.publish() calls. It can be checked by issuing a Limits. getPublishImmediateDML() method call. Whereas platform events which are configured with 'Publish After Commit' behavior are counted against the DML statement governor limit. It can be checked issuing a Limits.getDMLStatements() call. Reference:

Salesforce Fact #839 | MasterRecordId in merge

There is a field 'MasterRecordId' present in Account, Contact, Lead and Case object which is used in the merge operation. During the merge operation, one master record and additionally upto two same sobject records can be specified. Once the merge is completed, the merge record is deleted and the MasterRecordId field is populated with the corresponding master record Id. Reference: Attached is a sample screenshot.

Salesforce Fact #838 | Database.querywithBinds() usage

With the new Database.querywithBinds() method, we can use bind variables as map of String, Object. It also supports multiple values, and even works with list of Sobject. Reference: Below are the code samples: //works with list of String Map<String, object> bindVars = new Map<String, Object>(); bindVars.put('accNames', new List<String>{'Test Acc1', 'Test Acc2', 'Test Acc3'}); String query = 'SELECT Id, Name, Rating FROM Account WHERE Name IN :accNames'; List<Account> accList = Database.queryWithBinds(query, bindVars, AccessLevel.USER_MODE); //works with list of Sobject as well List<Account> accList1 = [SELECT Id FROM Account WHERE Id                           IN ('0016F00002RrZdsQAF', '0016F00002RrZdtQAF', '0016F00002RrZduQAF')]; Map<String, object> bindVars =

Salesforce Fact #837 | Address copy in screen flow

In most of the forms we fill in, there is an option to copy the current address details to permanent address on selecting a checkbox. Why not implement the same in screen flow? Thanks to reactive components and a bit of formula logic. Attached are the screenshots.

Salesforce Fact #836 | UNDELETE_FAILED

Similar to ENTITY_IS_DELETED error, if we attempt to undelete a record from recycle bin by mistake which has already been hard deleted, the following error is encountered: UNDELETE_FAILED. Attached is one sample screenshot.

Salesforce Fact #835 | Multiple TYPEOF in SOQL query

We can have multiple TYPEOF clause in SOQL query. Example: SELECT     TYPEOF What         WHEN Account THEN Phone         ELSE Name     END,     TYPEOF Who         WHEN Contact THEN Email         ELSE Phone     END  FROM Task